Welcome to Lutheran Church of the Resurrection


A congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), Lutheran Church of the Resurrection is located east of downtown Cincinnati, Ohio in Anderson Township. We are an open and welcoming community of faith with members who come from a wide variety of religious backgrounds.


Join us for worship, in service to our neighbors, or in working for peace and justice as Jesus teaches. No matter who you are or where you are on your faith journey, you are welcome here.

Diversity is a gift from God.
Everybody is different. Everybody belongs.


We celebrate you for all you are including your race, culture, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, your abilities and disabilities.


Whether you're a lifelong Lutheran or are seeking a loving, inclusive, grace-filled God—and a community that reflects those values—you are welcome here.


This is Christ's church. There is a place for you here.


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Journey with us this Lent


Our world can feel extreme. But God meets us wherever we are, in life's mountains, in its valleys, and everything in between.


Join us for midweek sandwiches and prayer services, or pick up a devotional for your home practice. Worship with us on the weekend, and help raise funds to build a classroom for Indigenous Mayan children living in Guatemala's mountains.


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News & Views

Read recent articles from our members and pastors.