We are a church that gets stuff done!
Your donations of time and resources empower our work in the world, including our partnership with Manna from Heaven, a food pantry feeding people in Eastern Kentucky. We are grateful for every contribution.
In 2021, LCR celebrated our 50th Anniversary with a Jubilee Celebration and capital campaign that allowed us successfully pay off our mortgage. Now, our members have chosen to devote the money that used to be set aside for mortgage payments to fund not only our own ministries, but also other faith-building or life-giving endeavors.
Our Hopes and Dreams Committee reviews project proposals and allocates funds. If members, community members, or nonprofit leaders have ideas for projects exceeding $2,500, we invite you to review our guidelines and submit an application.
Proposals are due February 1, 2025.
Project applicants must direct their requests to an LCR committee for review, recommendations, and submission to the Hopes and Dreams Committee.
Please click on the links below to view and to download (1) Guidelines for Hopes and Dreams Applications, which also includes project guidelines, a timeline, and an application form, and (2) A project scoring form that Hopes and Dreams Committee members will use to rate projects.