Living God's Love in the World
Responding to God's grace through love

Grace is a cornerstone of our Lutheran faith, as outlined in Ephesians 2:8-9: "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God—not the result of works, so that no one may boast." 


Grace means that we don't have to earn the love of an angry or judgmental God. No performing, no pretense. God loves everyone, shortcomings and all. That's grace. And we respond to God's grace through faithful good works, loving others as we've been loved by God. 


Unique to Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, each year we sign a member-written covenant, promising to love and care for each other and the community as Christ teaches.


We follow the beliefs and structure of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), a church that shares a living, daring confidence in God's grace. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person—questions, complexities and all.


Join us as we do God's work in Christ's name for the life of the world.

Statement of Welcome


We welcome all people created in the image of God, Creator of the universe inclusive of: race, culture, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression; relationship or social status; abilities or disabilities; outcast or stranger; typical or atypical skills; how the world describes you or you describe yourself.


We invite those sure in who they are, those still seeking and those looking for a church that believes in a loving, non-judgmental, safe, inclusive, grace-filled God and a beloved community that reflects those values.


Because God loves us unconditionally, we share our Christian love through acceptance, inclusion, and understanding.


We welcome you to share yourself, your time and talents with Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, a part of God’s universal Church. God made each of us unique and we share our diversity here.

Covenant of Lutheran Church of the Resurrection
Our covenant is a solemn agreement between the members of our church to act together in harmony. Our member-written covenant is reaffirmed and signed by members each year as a statement of our shared beliefs.


As a child of God, brother/sister to all human beings, and a believer in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, I desire to enter into this Covenant with the community of Lutheran Church of the Resurrection.

1. Because God loves us unconditionally, we will strive in the same way to share our Christian love through acceptance, forgiveness, and understanding of our fellow members.


2. Aware that God meets us in a special way in worship and through the Means of Grace, Baptism, and Holy Communion, we will faithfully participate in our common celebration of God’s love for all people through Jesus Christ.


3. Accepting the Word as the basis of the Church and recognizing our need to strengthen our faith and to maintain our Lutheran heritage, we will participate in programs offered to continue our Christian knowledge and growth.


4. Following Christ’s example, we will seek guidance through prayer.


5. As Christ did not turn away from anyone in need, we will reach out, without hesitation, to serve others and witness to our faith in daily life.


6. Following Christ’s command to “make disciples of all nations”, we will encourage and invite all others into Christian fellowship.


7. Thankful that God has given us all we have, we will joyfully give a first portion of our time, our abilities, and our possessions for God’s work.


8. We seek the help of God and support of our fellow members in keeping the Covenant, and ask their acceptance, forgiveness, and understanding should we fail.