The women’s Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) weekend is a spiritual retreat for women to rest, reflect and listen to that still, small voice that encourages and calls us to go deeper in our relationship with Christ. This is LCR’s 13th women’s CRHP retreat.
Location: A beautiful retreat center 30 minutes from Anderson Township with gorgeous grounds, meeting rooms & chapel. It also has a prayer labyrinth!
Saturday/Sunday details: The weekend starts Saturday morning at 8 a.m. & ends Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m.
Accommodations: Attendees will each have a private room & bathroom. (Shower facilities if needed are in a shared hallway.)
Meals & snacks: Included in the price of the weekend!
Registration details: Registration required. Register online or in-person in the church narthex. Registration opens August 1.
Cost: $40. Make check payable to Lutheran Church of the Resurrection. Include registration form with payment. Scholarships available.
Note: Due to limited number of beds at facility, first-time attendees will be given priority for attendance.
Contact Loraine Everett with registration questions.
General questions? Contact a team member: Gail Koford, Spiritual Director; Barb Schmidt, Lay Director; Alyson Best; Christie Brown; Asa Durtsche; Loraine Everett; Jan Leikauf; Kay Luccasen; Mary Ann Mette; Jenny Pera; Beth Pessell; Jennifer Wagner