Learning, Loving & Growing in Faith


At LCR, Christian education introduces our children and youth to God's unconditional love for all of creation (including us!). We teach kids about Jesus and our Lutheran traditions, while celebrating diversity in its many forms. We welcome kids' many questions and encourage them to explore what a life of faith means for themselves. 


We also have a lot of fun together! Our kids and teens form lifelong friendships while learning, playing and sharing God's love through serving others. 

Orange (Sunday School)
Age 4 - Grade 5 | Sundays, 11 a.m.

Just as red and yellow come together to create the color orange, we believe Christian education is most successful when children learn about faith both at church and at home, deepening their connection to God and each other.


We kick off the school year in September with Orangefest—a joyful celebration full of crafts, snacks and games.


Then, during the school year, our children gather most Sundays to embark on their own faith journeys, learning about our Lutheran faith through stories, games, activities, crafts, play and prayer.

Grades 6 - 8 | Sundays, 5 - 6:15 p.m.

Catechism is an opportunity for students (and their families) to explore our cherished Lutheran traditions while learning how people from diverse religious communities practice.


At LCR, Catechism is a three-year journey of spiritual formation. During the school year, students study Martin Luther's Small Catechism including the Lord's Prayer, the Apostles' Creed, the Ten Commandments and the Sacraments.


Students also enjoy interfaith field trips, special services, community service opportunities and more. Parents and caretakers are invited to attend catechism clas with their students during family sessions.


Grades 9 - 12

Our youth get the chance to serve, advocate, learn and have a ton of fun together, exploring their faith in community. Besides events throughout the year, including attending Adult Sunday School, assisting as VBS counselors, and other service activities, our youth are invited to a series of summer trips.


Trips rotate annually, and include the ELCA National Youth Gathering (coming up in 2024); an urban mission trip to cities including Chicago, Detroit and Atlanta with the YouthWorks organization, and rural service trips to Appalachia with the Appalachian Service Project

Vacation Bible School

Summer is a time for fun, friends and faith! LCR joins with partner churches in our community to offer Vacation Bible School (VBS) for a week each summer. Students learn through play, stories, music, movement, crafts and games.


Junior and Senior High students assist as counselors and storytellers. It's a week of fun that's not to be missed.

Better Together: Friendship & Service

Young people with big hearts, sharing God's love


Whether they're enjoying Easter Egg Hunts or Corn Mazes, enriching our worship services through their participation, advocating for justice, or helping feed people who are hungry, our youngest members have many opportunities throughout the year to learn and grow together, forming lifelong friendships.

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