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Share our living, daring confidence in God's grace


Our faith comes through the good news of Jesus Christ and gives us the freedom and the courage to wonder, discover and boldly participate in what God is up to in the world. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person—questions, complexities and all.


We welcome you no matter your background, race, economic status, gender identity, sexual orientation, immigration status, political beliefs or country of origin.


Come see for yourself, for a worship service or service opportunity. We love guests! 

Read our Welcome Statement

Join us for Weekend Worship

Visiting a new church can feel like a big undertaking. We want you to feel welcome and comfortable, whether you join us one Sunday, a lifetime, or somewhere in between.

Arrive & Park
We've got special spots reserved for guests along our island. For guests with limited mobility, we have a ramp near our bell and you can enter our main level through the Fellowship Hall.
Finding Your Way
Greeters are at the door to help direct you where you want to go. Our pastors try to take note of guests and meet them before or after the service. Sit wherever you'd like and join us in worship.
Get to Know Us
We have fellowship time after our services where members of our church family like to catch up, sometimes with coffee or sweets. You are welcome to join us. We'd love to get to know you!

Questions & Answers

During worship, we gather to experience God's love for all of us. As we gather and share communion, we participate in God's work in the world.


A typical worship service has prayers, readings from the Bible, and a sermon. Then, we share communion together, a small meal of bread and wine/grape juice.


Except for 8 a.m. on Sunday, which is mostly a spoken word service, we sing hymns and enjoy music from our choirs and other musicians. Not musical? No problem. You are invited to sing along as you feel comfortable.


Held the second Tuesday of each month, our contemplative services are a little different. They don't typically have communion, but do feature readings, prayers and time for silent reflection. 


Learn more about our weekend worship services.

Yes, kids of all ages are welcome in our worship services, wiggles and all! 

We have worship activity bags for young children in our Sanctuary's entryway to help them worship quietly during the service with age-appropriate activities. We often have special children's messages at the 9:30 a.m. service on Sundays.

Parents with small children are welcome to use our Cry Room in the rear of the sanctuary any time durng the worship service. It has a sound system so you can continue to listen to the service as you tend to your little one's needs. 

Sundays at 11 a.m. during the school year, kids are welcome to join us for Sunday School. Make your way down the hallway that was straight ahead as you entered the front doors, and let one of the teachers know you're a guest.

Learn more about our offerings for children and youth.

Join the club! Many of our members did not grow up in a Lutheran church.

We come from Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist and Roman Catholic backgrounds. Many come with little or no church background at all.

Our backgrounds and points of view are diverse and we are all called to worship here together.

Yes! We share communion together each week, and we believe that as the host of the Lord's Supper, Jesus invites everyone to his table. 

Anyone baptized is welcome to join us for the Sacrament of communion. Even if you haven't been baptized or have children who haven't yet been instructed to receive this Sacrament, we invite you to come up and receive a blessing. 

Communion isn't about membership, it's about coming together to experience the assurance of God's forgiveness and comfort of God's presence.

All are welcome at Jesus' table. Simply come.

Yes, definitely.

White grape juice is provided along with the traditional wine during communion. Simply select the cup in center of the serving tray.

Gluten-free wafers are available during communion on the altar. Take a wafer when you come up to receive communion.

Wear whatever you'd like! Jesus didn't enforce a dress code, and neither do we. At any given service, you'll see plenty of folks in jeans and t-shirts, some in business casual, and some in their Sunday finest. 

Yes! We livestream our 9:30 a.m. Sunday Service on YouTube.

You can view our livestream in real time or view past services.

Getting Here & Parking

We're located just east of Cincinnati in Anderson, Ohio. When you get here, feel free to park anywhere in our lot. We save some spots for guests right near the front, too.

1950 Nagel Road
Cincinnati, Ohio