Christian Mindfulness Community
at Lutheran Church of the Resurrection

Enter the silence, awaken the spirit. In the hustle of our daily lives, it can be easy to lose focus and get distracted from what really matters. Join us to re-center, to re-connect and listen to the stirrings of the Spirit.

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Contemplative practices for your life

Learn Christian mindfulness practices to refill your well, and explore contemplative practices from other religious and secular communities.

Join us for our Contemplative Service, held every month on the second Tuesday at 7 p.m., in-person or online via Zoom. Held in a small circular space in the sanctuary, the candlelit service is quiet and prayerful. Services include guided meditation, silent contemplative prayers, scripture reading, music or chanting. Each service is unique and enriching.


Our community loves learning through experience. Throughout the year, we offer different workshops, classes and contemplative explorations. From yoga infused with scriptural reflection to an online workshop on the spirituality of photography, we invite you to bring presence and mindful moments into your daily life. 


Go deeper and connect with a community of seekers. Our contemplative study group meets on the third Saturday of the the month in the LCR library, from 10 to 11:15 a.m. Join us for prayer, contemplation and book discussion. Experience the unconditional love and support this group offers.

What is Christian mindfulness?

Contemplative practices, including meditation, centering prayer, walking a labyrinth or body-based practices like yoga or breathwork, are a wonderful way to directly experience God's presence and love. Learn more from members of our community and other practioners in this article from Living Lutheran magazine.


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