Everything in Between
Meeting God in the midst of extremes


Our world can feel extreme. But even in the chaos, God meets us wherever we are, in life's mountains, in its valleys, and everything in between.


This Lent, we'll seek God in the messy middle. We'll revisit stories of Jesus's life and ministry. We'll learn some practices for connecting to God and centering our hearts when times are tough.


Come for a meal or grab a devotional, make a donation to help change someone's life, or worship together in community.

Midweek Soup & Sandwich Dinner
Wednesdays, March 12 – April 9 | 6 p.m.

Join us each Wednesday of Lent in the Fellowship Hall for food and friendship! 

Come enjoy a light soup and sandwich dinner before the midweek worship service.

View on our Calendar
Midweek Worship Service
Wednesdays, March 12 – April 9 | 7 p.m., in-person & livestreamed online

These services use the beautiful Holden evening prayer liturgy and music. We'll gather together to learn different practices that can help us calm our minds and connect to what matters this Lent. 


  • March 12 – TBD
  • March 19 – TBD
  • March 26 – TBD
  • April 2 – TBD
  • April 9 – TBD


This year’s Lenten offerings will go toward Dream.Invest.Grow (DIG), a nonprofit founded by LCR members the Doppenbergs, to fund construction of an additional classroom in a village school for an Indigenous Mayan community in Guatemala. 

View Service Online
Lenten Tangible Goods Offering
Sharing what we have with those in need

During Lent, the Manna from Heaven team is offering an opportunity to support the ministry’s Spring “Seeds for Change” program.


The program provides vegetable seeds to needy Appalachian families, encouraging food sufficiency through home gardening. 


Talk to our Manna team at the table in the narthex to learn more about the program or how you can become involved with this outreach ministry. 

Lenten Devotionals
Take some time for reflection at home

You’re invited to pick up a Lenten devotional to help guide your Lenten journey. Paper copies will be available in the Narthex during Lent.


Want a digital copy? Our friends at A Sanctified Art have provided a special e-reader version of this year's Lenten Devotionals for our members and friends. Please contact the church office for the link. 


To protect their work, please do not share the e-reader link or post it on social media.